Cambridge Engelsk

Engelsk på

 2 niveuaer  

Engelsk som modersmål


Engelsk som andetsprog


• Read a wide range of texts, fluently and with good understanding, enjoying and appreciating a variety of language

• Read critically, and use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing

• Write accurately and effectively, using Standard English appropriately

• Work with information and with ideas in language by developing skills of evaluation, analysis, use and inference

• Listen to, understand, and use spoken language effectively

•  Acquire and apply a wide vocabulary, alongside a knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology and linguistic conventions.

3 eksaminer i maj/juni.


In developing reading skills, candidates should engage with a range of genres and text types from the twentieth and/or twenty-first centuries, including literature, fiction and non-fiction, and other forms of writing, such as discursive essays, reviews and articles. This study should include focus on writers’ use of language and style and the ways in which writers achieve effects and influence readers. Candidates should study how influence may include fact, ideas, perspectives, opinions and bias.


As developing writers themselves, candidates should be introduced to a range of writing skills, including the ability to create and compose texts with a variety of forms and purposes, e.g. descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative and persuasive. This study should include focus on the following text types: letter, report, article, journal, speech, interview and summary.

Speaking and listening/Mundtlig og lyttetest

Candidates should explore a range of speaking and listening skills, including the ability to participate in engaging conversations and to respond spontaneously to questions and prompts. This study should include focus on presentation skills in employing and organising content, and language devices, such as irony, tone and emphasis.

Cambridge Engelsk. Cambridge Engelsk. Cambridge Engelsk. Cambridge Engelsk. Cambridge Engelsk.

Cambridge engelsk som andetsprog.

Eleverne vælger, i samarbejde med læreren,  om de vil testes i core eller extended

I Engelsk som andetsprog er der fire testområder. 

•    Læsning 
•    Skrivning 
•    Lytning 
•    Mundtlig

Hvis eleverne har et ønske om at få karaktererne A* - B SKAL eleven testes i Extended.